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Prescribed fires help with environmental stewardship

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Latest District News

Protecting lands and communities: Prescribed fire in Putnam County

The District is conducting a 250-acre prescribed burn today at Lake George Conservation Area in Putnam County to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent communities. The burn location is south of the intersection of Truck Rail 1 and Aces Road.

aerial photo of prescribed fire conducted in wooded area

Prescribed fire reduces wildfire risk in Putnam County natural areas

The St. Johns River Water Management District is conducting a 229 acre prescribed burn today at Lake George Conservation Area in Putnam County to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent communities. The burn location is north of the intersection of Truck Rail 1 and Aces Road.

Aerial image of prescribed fire in wooded area

Fighting fire with fire: Prescribed burn reduces wildfire risk in Clay County

The District is conducting a 73-acre prescribed burn today at J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area in Clay County. The burn will be located along the southern edge of Bayard Road. The burn’s purpose is to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent natural communities.

Burning to protect: Prescribed fire reduces wildfire risk in Clay County

The District is conducting a 260-acre prescribed burn today at J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area in Clay County. The burn will be located along the southern edge of Bayard Road. The burn’s purpose is to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent natural communities.

Worker stands near foliage with ignition tool.

Burning to protect: Prescribed fire reduces wildfire risk in Volusia County

The District is conducting a 152-acre prescribed burn today at Lake Monroe Conservation Area in Volusia County. The burn’s purpose is to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent natural communities.

Prescribed fire today at J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area in Clay County

The District is conducting a 139-acre prescribed burn today at J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area in Clay County. The burn’s purpose is to reduce hazardous fuel loads and maintain fire-dependent natural communities.

Media inquiries

Ashley Evitt

Media Outreach Manager

Office: 386-312-2317
Mobile: 407-276-2400

Strategic Planning Workshop (2024–2028)

Play button for the strategic plan meeting

Due to technical difficulties, some audio is missing at the end of this recording.

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Kitchen faucet with a fixed leak which helps with environmental stewardship

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