February brings below-average rainfall along with a reminder to conserve water

A map illustrates rainfall conditions across the St. Johns River Water Management District.
PALATKA, Fla., March 12, 2019 — Data collected by the St. Johns River Water Management District shows rainfall during February was below average in all areas except Brevard County and parts of Osceola County. A full report outlining changing hydrological conditions was presented at the district’s March Governing Board meeting, in addition to a proclamation designating April as Water Conservation Month.
“Water conservation is at the core of our mission,” said St. Johns River Water Management District Executive Director Dr. Ann Shortelle. “This month is the perfect opportunity to remind the community that everyone has the power to take action and help ensure we use water wisely as well as safeguard future supplies.”
According to district data, 12-month totals show the effects of prolonged above-average rain in the central region, and prolonged below-average rainfall in the southern region. The coastal regions of Brevard and Indian River counties had the least amount of rainfall in the last 12 months. For that same time, Marion, Alachua, Putnam and Seminole counties all had more than 60 inches of rain on average across the county.
While April has been formally recognized as Water Conservation Month in Florida for 21 years, as April is typically a dry month when water demands are higher due to springtime planting, water conservation is a year-round focus at the district. The district is dedicated to grassroots education and outreach programs that share with the public the importance of ongoing water conservation and stresses water conservation through the permitting process.
For information on saving water, visit the district’s water conservation web pages at www.sjrwmd.com/waterconservation/savingwater.