Public invited to learn more about innovative algal bloom treatment pilot project for Lake Minneola

Lake Minneola
Informational webinar set for July 29
PALATKA, Fla., July 15, 2020 — The St. Johns River Water Management District will host a public webinar on July 29 to provide information about an innovative technology to reduce or eliminate harmful algal blooms in Lake Minneola. The meeting is virtual due to guidelines from Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to limit the size of public gatherings to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The agenda includes a presentation by the contractor, BlueGreen Water Technologies (BGWT) Ltd., on its LakeGuard® technology, benefits to Lake Minneola, treatment information and schedule, anticipated results and effects, and the monitoring plan. Public comment and questions are welcome.
Using a combination of collected field data, water samples and a hydrogen-peroxide based product, BGWT will identify algae-prone areas in Lake Minneola and deploy its technology in strategic locations to reduce current or forming algal blooms.
WHAT: Lake Minneola Innovative Algal Bloom Treatment Project public webinar
WHEN: 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 29, 2020
HOW: To register, visit this link.
The virtual public meeting will be recorded and made available on the district’s website,