Some district properties reopen for recreation following Hurricane Irma

PALATKA, Fla., Sept. 17, 2017 — Two properties within the St. Johns River Water Management District’s service area are open to public recreation, including hunting. The openings were made as the district continues an in-depth assessment of recreational access points, levees, trails, and boat ramps.
The following properties are reopened, some with limited access as repairs are made.
- Upper St. Johns River Marsh Water Management Area (WMA), which includes Blue Cypress, Three Forks and River Lake conservation areas. Two access areas within the WMA remain closed, including the Moccasin Island tract of the Upper St. Johns River Marsh WMA (Wickham Road) and the C-54 Canal.
- Lake Monroe WMA (Kratzert tract of the Lake Monroe Conservation Area) is open without limitations.
All other district lands, including the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, remain closed. The district continues to assess damage to its lands resulting from Hurricane Irma, with a goal to reopen the properties for recreational uses as soon as it is safe to do so.
For continuing updates on district operations visit the district’s website at