District lands remain closed to recreation following Hurricane Irma

The Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive at Roach Road and Laughlin Road.
PALATKA, Fla., Sept. 13, 2017 — All lands owned by the St. Johns River Water Management District will remain closed to the public as staff continue to assess each property for safety and accessibility. This includes the district’s Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.
Understanding that district lands are popular outdoor recreation destinations, the district’s post-storm priorities are focused on mission-critical responses and supporting local governments’ recovery efforts. While initial property inspections have found flooding, trees down and other conditions that make the area unsafe for recreation, continued inspections will not occur until commercial fuel supply is readily available.
The latest information regarding office and land closures, updated meeting schedules, flooding information, water levels, local government emergency contacts and other resources is available on the district’s website at www.sjrwmd.com.